Best Way to Strip Wax from Grungy Tile: How to Do It

Best Way to Strip Wax from Grungy Tile: How to Do It

Over time, floor wax buildup can make tile floors appear yellowed and dull. If you’re looking to refresh your tiles and remove old wax effectively, follow this straightforward guide.

Materials You'll Need

  • Two buckets of water (each with two gallons)
  • One cup of ammonia (not bleach)
  • One cup of white vinegar
  • One mop
  • Rubber or latex-free gloves
  • Scrub brush (optional for tough stains)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Prepare the Floor: Clear the floor of furniture and objects. Sweep or vacuum thoroughly to remove all dirt and dust, preventing scratches during the wax removal process.
  2. Protect Yourself: Wear rubber or latex-free gloves to shield your hands from ammonia. Ensure good ventilation by opening windows, as ammonia fumes can be strong.
  3. Make the Wax Remover Solution: In a bucket, mix one cup of ammonia and one cup of white vinegar with one gallon of hot water. Add another gallon of water and mix well. For light wax buildup, water and vinegar alone may suffice.
  4. Treat Tough Stains: Apply the solution to heavily stained or yellowed areas, especially corners and edges. Allow the solution to sit for approximately five minutes. Mop up the solution and rinse the mop in the second bucket of clean water. Repeat until stains are removed. Use a scrub brush for stubborn spots if necessary.
  5. Remove Wax from the Entire Floor: Apply the solution evenly across the entire floor surface. Let it sit for a few minutes to penetrate the wax. Mop thoroughly, rinsing the mop frequently in the clean water bucket.
  6. Rinse the Floor Properly: Change the water in the rinse bucket regularly to ensure it remains clean. Mop the floor again with clean water to remove any remaining wax residue.
  7. Dry the Floor: Use clean, dry cloths or a mop to thoroughly dry the floor, ensuring no moisture remains.

Tips for Success

  • Test the Solution: Always test the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the floor to ensure it doesn’t damage the tile.
  • Work in Sections: Divide the floor into manageable sections to ensure thorough cleaning and efficient wax removal.
  • Regular Maintenance: To prevent heavy wax buildup in the future, establish a regular cleaning routine for your floors.


Removing floor wax from tile is a straightforward process that can breathe new life into your floors. By following these clear steps, you can effectively strip away old wax buildup and restore the natural beauty of your tiles. If you prefer professional assistance or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to contact a trusted cleaning service company like ours.

About Our Cleaning Services

At Anago of South Greater Toronto, we specialize in delivering exceptional floor cleaning services, including expert wax removal. Our dedicated team uses advanced techniques and high-quality products to ensure your floors look pristine. Contact us today to discover how we can help you maintain beautiful, clean floors for your home or business.